Monday, December 28, 2009

Week 4 Thing 11: Clouds of Words

TagCrowd and Wordle allow me to create clouds of words. Just enter some text and watch what happens. Both TagCrowd and Wordle identify the words used most frequently by pulling out those words from the text and varying the size What an interesting idea! People never cease to amaze me.

As I was excercising my creative juices I began to see how Wordle could be used in my classroom. Below is a link to my Wordle on Ferdinand Magellan, one of the world's most famous explorers. I thought students could take a Wordle of this and other explorers to make predictions about the explorers life prior to research or as an aid during research. How do the words Spain, world, voyage, first, and islands relate to Magellan. A student researching this famous explorer might want to find out!

title="Wordle: Ferdinand Magellan"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Ferdinand Magellan"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">

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